Our student home insurance offers from €2.70/month

Home insurance for all from €32.50 / year

As a leader in the student residence sector, Etudassur offers a range of products tailored to your type of accommodation. We believe that every insurance policy, whether you are a student or a young professional, should be tailored to meet your specific needs.

To achieve this, our vision is based on a fair price for fair cover.

Our philosophy: No Low Cost – Just Right Cost

Home insurance for students and young professionals to suit everyone

Whether you are :

Precise answers to specific needs...

... with essential and unique guarantees

Easy contract management

Once you have taken out a policy, you will receive an e-mail containing your policy and certificates, as well as your login details for your personal area, so that you can manage your policy, report claims, renew your policy or simply stay in touch with our services.

Our packages


dès 2,70€ par mois*


dès 4,58€ par mois


dès 5,83€ par mois

XXL + Vélo

dès 7,21€ par mois


dès 2,70€ par mois*


dès 4,58€ par mois


dès 5,83€ par mois

XXL + Vélo

dès 7,21€ par mois
Plafond mobilier
4 500 €
6 000 €
7 500 €
7 500 €


These are fires with flames and smoke. Fire insurance will not work in certain cases, for example if a cigarette butt comes into contact with an incandescent material. Many types of damage, such as fire, explosion, implosion or lightning, are covered by your student home insurance.

Water damage

For example, this guarantee covers a leak or overflow from your washbasin or boiler, or water damage to your home caused by someone else (such as a seepage problem from your neighbour's home).

Natural disasters

This covers damage to your furniture or home caused by natural disasters. This damage must be caused by a natural event (storm, tempest, flood, etc.). This student home insurance cover is only triggered if a ministerial order declaring a natural disaster has been published in the Journal officiel de la République.

Climatic events

Weather cover covers you against events such as storms, hail or snow.

Rental liability

Also known as tenant's liability, this covers you against accidental damage for which you are responsible (except for damage caused intentionally or through your negligence) as a tenant to the property rented to you. This may include material and immaterial damage... - caused to the rented or occupied buildings. - caused to your flatmates and constituting a disturbance of enjoyment. - to your accommodation and that of your flatmates, as well as loss of use of premises occupied by the owner. Your student home insurance also covers damage to property in the event of multiple occupants of the accommodation, when this damage affects the part of the building rented or occupied by the tenants or the owner himself. We also have a specific clause in each of our policies to protect communal areas in "shared" flats. It is not necessary to insure these common areas, which are automatically covered by your policy. The financial consequences of your responsibilities as a tenant are also covered for material and immaterial damage caused to neighbours and third parties.

Private and school civil liability

En option (Recommandé)

Civil liability refers to the obligation of any person to compensate for damage caused to others in the course of his or her private life. For example, if your dog bites a passer-by in the street.

Student home insurance covers you for personal liability in mainland France and throughout the world if you are travelling for less than 3 months as part of your studies. After this period, you must take out international travel insurance. You can find more information here or by contacting us.

Stay / Travel

During a private stay of no more than 3 consecutive months, the stay/travel cover included in your student home insurance policy covers all items forming part of your personal belongings, which are insured against the following damage: fire, water damage, natural disasters, climatic events, theft, attacks and acts of terrorism.

Ice breakage

With glass breakage cover, you will be compensated if your windows, bay windows, balcony dividers or other glazed elements in your insured home are damaged.

Neighbour and third party claims

Neighbours' recourse cover covers you as a tenant against your neighbours and third parties if they have suffered the following damage in their home:

- water damage or explosion that started in your home.
- fire that started in your home.

If you suffer loss as a result of the guarantees described above, your student home insurance covers the costs and fees of lawyers, investigations, expert reports and proceedings that you may have to pay.

To benefit from reimbursement of defence costs, you must contact us to obtain our prior written agreement before incurring any expenses. The costs reimbursed will not exceed the ceilings and sub-ceilings of the cover provided in the general terms and conditions of your policy.

This cover does not constitute legal protection cover.

Defence costs

24/7 assistance

Repayment when new
(-2 years)

Repayment when new
(-2 years)

Theft / Vandalism

Theft/vandalism cover includes theft, attempted theft and vandalism of your personal belongings and the furniture in your home when you moved in, committed inside your home, provided that these acts were the result of :

- a break-in.
- an assault.
- use of a false capacity or identity.

Theft from the person

Personal theft cover under your student home insurance policy covers the theft of your keys and identity documents, including outside your accommodation.

Electrical damage

This electrical damage cover pays for material damage caused by the action of electricity on electrical appliances (domestic appliances, telephony and office equipment).

Bed Bug Guarantee

If you have bedbugs in your home, a professional bedbug exterminator will intervene as quickly as possible.

Loss of key guarantee

If you lose your keys, we will reimburse you for the cost of replacing them.

Strike Guarantee

Strike cover under your student home insurance policy applies in the event of a strike affecting public transport and preventing you from attending national examinations or competitions. Your insurance will compensate you for the cost of using a taxi or chauffeur-driven car.

Bicycle theft cover

This is extendable cover under your home insurance policy, which comes into play when :

- your bike is stolen within a radius of more than 100 metres from your home and it was secured with a U lock or folding lock that secures both the frame and one wheel to a fixed point.
- student home insurance also applies if your bike is stolen from the bicycle room at your home, as long as it was secured with at least one U lock or folding lock securing both the frame and a wheel.
- when your bicycle is stolen from inside your closed and covered home, with all doors and windows closed and locked.

In the event of a claim, we will reimburse the actual cost of the bicycle, up to the insured amount. To do this, simply provide us with purchase invoices from official dealer(s) prior to the date of the claim, for both the bike and the anti-theft device.

* tarif pour une résidence CROUS sans l’option RC.

Is home insurance compulsory?

Naturally, insurance is only activated when a claim occurs. Although it is possible to never encounter such incidents in one’s lifetime, a desirable aspiration, it would not be wise to forego insurance. The costs associated with a claim can be considerable, which is why legislation makes home insurance compulsory in many situations.
For your information, here are some of the typical cases you could face:

Your home is...
Insurance is...
Guarantees required
An empty rental
Rental risks
Furnished rental
Rental risks
An empty flat share
Rental risks
A lease occupied free of charge
Rental risks
A seasonal rental
Company housing

At last, fair and equitable insurance for students and young workers

(And yes, it does exist!)

Watch the video


Home insurance is aimed at students living in mainland France or Corsica (including foreign students) who are tenants in a university residence or CROUS residence, or in any other independent accommodation.

The type of accommodation covered includes 1 to 4 rooms maximum. The accommodation may be furnished or unfurnished.

The accommodation may be a single or shared flat in student residences.

Student home insurance works if you are under 45 when you sign your policy.

Yes, when you move into rented accommodation, you are legally obliged to take out home insurance that includes at least tenant’s liability cover.

Article 7 of the law of 6 July 1989 states that tenants must insure themselves against the risks for which they are responsible in their capacity as tenants, and must provide proof of this when the keys are handed over and every year thereafter at the request of the landlord. Proof of this insurance is provided to the landlord by a certificate from the insurer or its representative.

Consequently, if you do not have proof of student home insurance, your landlord may refuse to let you the accommodation. They can also give you formal notice to take out insurance by sending you a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. If you fail to respond within 1 month of receiving this letter, the landlord may automatically terminate the lease or take out insurance, which may be passed on to you in the form of rent.

You must provide your landlord with an insurance certificate each year and each time you renew your lease. Etudassur will send this automatically by email when you take out or renew your policy.

You need to take out rental insurance to protect yourself against damage caused by fire, explosion or water damage. Of course, in addition to these rental risks, you should also take out student home insurance that includes cover against other common risks, such as theft, glass breakage, furniture insurance, recourse against neighbours and legal protection. Third-party liability cover, if not automatically included in the home insurance policy, is also strongly recommended.

You are free to choose the insurance company of your choice.

The French law of July 6, 1989 stipulates that in the event of a claim, you are responsible for any damage you may cause to the building, neighbors and all third parties during the time you occupy your rental property.

If you don’t have student home insurance, the legal and financial consequences of a claim could be extremely serious!

Civil liability is a legal protection mechanism that covers you when you cause damage to others through fault, imprudence or negligence. French law requires you to pay compensation for any material, physical or immaterial damage caused by yourself, or by persons for whom you are responsible, or resulting from things in your care (articles 1240, 1241 and 1242 of the French Civil Code).

If, for example, you are an amateur sportsman and injure someone, your Civil Liability will cover the financial costs resulting from the damage, such as the victim’s medical expenses.

Otherwise, you’ll have to bear the financial consequences of the damage you cause.

There are several types of Third-Party Liability cover available under a student home insurance policy:

– the classic private liability cover we’ve just mentioned.
– Tenant’s Civil Liability towards the landlord, for damage you may cause to your rented accommodation or the building (such as fire).
– Liability for recourse by neighbors or third parties, which protects you in the event of fire, explosion or water damage causing damage to your neighbors or third parties and originating in your rented accommodation (if, for example, your bathtub leaks and causes water damage to your neighbor on the floor below you).

However, certain types of damage are not covered by your student home insurance, such as damage caused intentionally or during professional sports activities.

Etudassur’s student home insurance includes an automatic Third Party Liability cover (often a paying option for most student home insurance policies). Without a Civil Liability certificate, you won’t be able to do an internship or enroll in a higher education institution. However, if you have third-party liability, you’ll be covered for any damage caused during your student year or work placement: your home insurance will pay.

If you wish to do an internship abroad in certain countries, such as the United States, you will not be issued a student visa without prior attestation of Civil Liability.

You can download a civil liability certificate in your personal space.

Conventional home insurance fulfils the same function as student home insurance. But this second category is designed more for students, as these policies are less expensive, in order to adapt to the economic reality of students. Since students generally have a small budget, student insurance rates are both reasonable and include the maximum possible coverage. We negotiate contracts to avoid paying for unnecessary cover or unreasonable insurance limits.

Hence the need to turn to an insurance company specializing in student insurance, particularly student home insurance.

In our opinion, the aim is to offer Just Right Cost, i.e. the right things at the right price.

Using our online quote, you’ll quickly get a summary of the home insurance cover you’d like to take out and the price of your premium, based on the characteristics of the property to be insured and the term of the policy.

If you’re satisfied, you can take out your student home insurance online immediately after receiving your quote, or at a later date.

You pay in full by credit card the amount corresponding to the duration of insurance requested at the time of subscription.

Your policy cover takes effect on the day you choose when you take out the policy. At the very least, coverage can begin on the day you pay for your home insurance policy.

Finding student accommodation isn’t always easy, as the supply of rental accommodation can be limited, especially in large cities. If you have found vacant accommodation, but are not moving in until the start of your course or work placement, your landlord may still require you to take out home insurance immediately in order to reserve the vacant property for you. It is imperative that your contract begins on the day indicated on your rental agreement.

If you would like to renew your existing student home insurance policy, go to your personal space and click on “Renew my policy”. Enter a valid email address and your contract number.

If your new rental property differs from your previous one (new address, number of rooms, surface area, heating system, etc.), you can change the characteristics of the property to be insured.

A quotation will be drawn up, specifying the characteristics of the rented property and the price of the insurance.

All you have to do is click on the “pay” option to be insured and receive your insurance certificate.

If you’re moving, there are several options:

If you’re staying in a private residence and moving into a studio apartment, we’ll change the address on your student home insurance policy and send you a new insurance certificate.

If you’re moving to a non-university hall of residence or to a CROUS hall of residence, or if you’re still living in a private hall of residence, but in a larger apartment? If so, you’ll need to request a change of address, and we’ll get back to you.

A single person, a shared flat (up to 3 people) or a couple can take out Etudassur home insurance if they have student status.

For a couple, both parties must have student status.

You can even insure your roommates on your student home insurance policy if they have student status. For the new “shared” or “coliving” apartments, insurance must be taken out individually by each tenant. Etudassur offers you an exclusive clause for these apartments. You don’t need to insure more than one main room in this type of accommodation. In the event of a claim in the common areas of this particular dwelling, policy cover is extended to the shared room(s) in proportion to the number of co-tenants. The number of rooms stated in the contract does not include shared rooms.

You can take out student home insurance from Etudassur if you are a scholarship student. Like non-scholarship students, you must be under 45.

You can modify your contract at any time via your partner area. You can also contact us by email or by telephone on, giving us the number of the contract you wish to modify and specifying your request.

It is also possible to change your address if you move to a student accommodation of the same type as those insured by the Etudassur home insurance policy. The accommodation must be in mainland France or Corsica.

Once you have taken out your student home insurance policy, you have 14 days to cancel it. To do so, log on to your personal space and send us your request, or contact us by telephone.

You won’t incur any costs, you don’t need to provide any proof, and you’ll receive a full refund.

Once the 14-day period has elapsed, the premium paid cannot be reimbursed if the insured home is returned before the end date indicated on your contract. However, you remain covered for third-party liability until that date.

Contact us by email at sinistre@etudassur.fr or call us on

You can also start your procedure via your personal space.

Thanks to your student home insurance, if you need a professional to come to your home quickly, contact Etudassur’s assistance service on available 24/7.

In the event of water damage, turn off the water supply and contact the property manager to stop the leak. If necessary, contact the Emergency Service.

If the leak is coming from a neighboring building, you must fill in a water damage report and have it filled in, then send this document to us.

If you are the victim of theft or vandalism, contact the police or gendarmerie directly to inform them of the offence.

Inform the residence manager and the Emergency Service.

Finally, for your student home insurance to work, lodge a complaint at the police station or gendarmerie. You can also file a complaint by filling in an online declaration on the Ministry of the Interior website. Don’t forget to send us your complaint within 48 hours. For all other claims, inform the residence manager and send us a detailed claim declaration within 5 days by e-mail or via your personal space.

Your student home insurance policy protects you in the event of Social Security proceedings.

The Social Security can take action against you if it considers that you have caused harm to your spouse, or to your ascendants or descendants, if their dependence on the Social Security has nothing to do with your filial relationship with them.

The insurance also protects you against the financial consequences arising from your Civil Liability if you cause damage to third parties, or to one of your home employees due to the intentional fault of another home employee.

Your student home insurance policy protects you from being reimbursed in the event of inexcusable fault on your part in a dispute with the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM). This situation can arise when a domestic employee asks you for compensation for damage suffered (physical or mental suffering, aesthetic or pleasure loss, loss or reduction in opportunities for professional advancement).

If you are the victim of a claim covered by your student home insurance policy, you are entitled to a relocation allowance. To do this, contact the assistance department of your contract on so that they can find you new accommodation. Etudassur will reimburse you for all costs incurred in relocating you, up to a maximum of €1,000.

As an insured tenant of a property, you have the right to cancel your home insurance contract if it is more than 1 year old, thanks to the Hamon law. Your insurer cannot charge you any penalties or additional fees if you change insurers.

First of all, you need to find and take out a new student home insurance policy. Once you have signed your new contract with Etudassur, contact us to let us know that you wish to cancel your old contract. We will then take care of cancelling it. In this way, you authorize us to take all the necessary steps on your behalf with regard to your previous insurer.

As soon as we receive your request, we will process it within a maximum of 72 hours (including working days). 30 days after receipt of the registered letter, your former insurer cancels your home insurance contract, and your new contract with Etudassur begins.

During the transitional period, your rented accommodation is still covered by your previous student home insurance policy. Your previous insurer is obliged to reimburse any sums already paid on a pro rata basis for the remaining months if you had opted for an annual premium.

Over 100,000 students and young professionals insured

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